Thursday, August 13, 2015

Meet Our President

This is the first interview with one of our members. There will be many more to follow. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy getting to know Susan Keene. She is a very talented story teller, published author, and currently serves as president of our group.

First tell us a little about yourself. 

My education is in the medical field. I went to school at Deaconess Hospital in St. Louis to be an X-Ray technician. The only reason I chose that field was because my dad didn't think girls should go to college and I was able to get a full paid scholarship.

I didn't like the work and after several years I went into sales for Sears Contract Sales and did some of their sales training.

I live in the country with lots of animals including sheep, horses, cows, mules, donkeys, cats and dogs. We have over three hundred fruit trees.

Sometimes, when I make the thirty-five mile drive to Springfield, I think it would be nice to live closer. When I come home to the quiet and beauty of it all, I change my mind.

What draws you to mystery/crime writing?

The world intrigues me, everything is a mystery. I think that is why I like to write them. My goal is to keep you guessing and hope you won't figure out who did it. I want each book to be a surprise. Nothing brings a smile to my face faster than the words, "Wow, I didn't expect that."

If you could have lunch with any author dead or alive, who would it be?

It would be fun to share a pint with Hemingway, but my favorite contemporary author is Harlen Cobin

Favorite food?

Boy, I love to eat so that is a tough one. It would be a toss-up between crab and pasta with white sauce.

What does your writing schedule look like?

I get up, grab a cup of coffee and go straight into my office. I write until my  particular train of thought is done and then go on with my day. Occasionally I write at the end of the day, but I am not as productive.

I am and have always been a creature of habit. Mess up my routine and it messes up my day.

You are the current president for Sleuths' Ink. What do you find enjoyable about the job and what bothers you? 

It is always fun to be the leader. I spend a lot of time thinking about the plot of the story I am writing. Presiding over the meetings keeps my mind in the present. The women and men who belong to Sleuths' are so talented, I am in awe to be around them.

I guess the downside is the preparation outside the meetings, like reserving the meeting room. I really do need a secretary.
Thanks Susan for sharing.
Please check out her links below.   Link to Diggitty the Dog Saves Christmas    Link to Diggitty the Dog Finds A Friend      Link to The Adventures of Diggitty the Dog     Link to Tattered Wings


Shirley said...

What a great idea to interview the members. Susan, you're doing a great job as president. I always look forward to the meetings. And anytime I can sit next to you and have a bit of fun, I'm a happy camper. So glad I got to know you. Can't wait for your next book.

Cynthia E said...

What a great interview! I'm happy to know more about Susan--a talented writer and great president.

Unknown said...

Thank you. I look forward to reading about each and everyone of you.

Tierney James said...

Love this idea! And Susan is a wonderful start to this series of interviews. She always makes me laugh and keeps me on my toes. I'm glad she is president.

Beth said...

Great interview, Laird! I wish I were a morning writer but I'm not. I agree with you about living in the country, Hemingway, and Harlen Coben!! I'm looking forward to the interviews.

Beth said...

Ladies, not Laird. Autocorrect...


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