2025 Speaker Agenda


February 8th - ANNUAL JANO PARTY

March 8th - David Reed - retired Policeman & Detective

April 12th - Duane Laflin - Promoting yourself and your writing

May 10th  - Chrissy Willis - Marketing - Ads, Instagram and FB

June 14th- BTP no meeting 

July 12th- JC Fields - Writing the short story

August 9th - Kate Richards - Why you should hire a professional editor (via Zoom)

September 13th - Cover Designing and effective blurbs

October 18th - OCW will delay the meeting one week - October 18th. Topic TBD  (THIS MEETING WILL BE THE THIRD SATURDAY ONLY)

November 8th- Goal Setting and Taxes for Authors 

December 13th - Christmas Party

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Confessions of a Retired Police Officer

  David C. Reed is a retired veteran with 24 years experience in criminal investigation and specialized law enforcement training. he retired...