Saturday, June 27, 2009

Convince Me!

I just read a large article on Funds for Writers about Twitter stories of 140 words. I must confess I didn't understand much of it. It seems the writer gets paid a small amount for these Twitter stories. (A very small amount I might add.)

It seems everyone and every business, news channel etc is on Twitter. Tell me, what is the point? Is Twitter beneficial to the writer or a time waster? Inquiring minds need to know.

Has Twitter helped you in any way with markets or writing tips?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Changing the Rules - Is it Grounds For Murder?

I read a blog posting at Writing and Publishing News telling about the new rules for spaces after sentences. When I was in school, in ancient days, the rule was to use two spaces after a sentence. Now I'm reading that I should only use one.

I'm trying it now. It's not easy to do! It's like learning to walk and talk all over again! I keep having to backspace to see if I actually put just one space between the sentences.

I'm curious. Has anyone started using this practice in their writing? If so, are you having as much difficulty as I am? Can't editors just wait for all of us old folks to die off before making the new rules permanent?

Feedback please! And please try to type using only one space between the sentences.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Was Actor Murdered, Suicidal or Asphyxiated?

I'm sure you've heard the stunning, awful news about actor David Carradine. What do you think? Was it something devious since his hands were reportedly bound behind his back or did he accidentally strangle himself while doing a strange sex act called AEA (autoerotic asphyxiation).

How embarrassing to be found like that. I feel for his family. We have healthcare worker friends who say AEA is fairly common but it's always kept quiet and especially out of the news because it's so embarrassing, weird and deviant.

Another question: Would you ever have a character die from AEA?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chicago crime??

On a quick trip to Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend––
I looked out of the window and saw yellow tape stretched across a doorway and steps. Couldn't read what was printed on the tape, but my immediate thought was "Who was killed and why?" Imagine that! ;P

April 13th Speaker/Marlon Hayes

  Marlon S. Hayes is a writer, essayist, poet, publisher and novelist from Chicago, Illinois. He is also a full-time truck driver, travel ex...