Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chicago crime??

On a quick trip to Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend––
I looked out of the window and saw yellow tape stretched across a doorway and steps. Couldn't read what was printed on the tape, but my immediate thought was "Who was killed and why?" Imagine that! ;P


Beverly said...

Yeah, it's funny how our minds work. Yesterday our neighbor had a trench dug in their yard so they could replace the sewer line from their house to the street. I wondered who was watching when they filled in the trench to see that only dirt went into the hole.

Palooski65 said...

Great way to get ideas for mysteries.

I thought I was too straight-forward to be good at suspense but I'm really enjoying the "what if" of planning a story of murder and mayhem.

Another two months of having a husband underfoot constantly may bring some yellow tape to my front door. LOL

Shirley said...

Don't do it, Virginia. The spouse is always the first suspect. Get a friend involved!!!!

Beth said...

Years ago, we were in KC where my daughter was going to college. She worked at a coffee shop and we were filming UMKC, the Plaza, and then drove to the coffee shop so we could show the film to my parents and grandmother. Just as we pulled up, we saw yellow crime scene tape all across the front. I told my husband to stop filming and had a huge lump in my throat. My daughter wasn't there at the time but they had been robbed. Scary.

November Speaker/JJ Renek/ WILL YOU COMMIT MEDICAL MALPRACTICE? (When you write)

  JJ Renek is the pen name, and alter ego, of retired physician Dr. Janna Trombold. Pivoting from a major in English literature, she purs...