Thursday, December 6, 2018


Don't forget to sign up for THE MEGA WRITE-IN, January 5th, 2019 from 10 A.M until 4 P.M.  Lunch is provided for a $5 fee.  Sign up here.  

About JANO
During January, 2010, Sleuths’ Ink held it’s first-ever JANO challenge. Modeled after the popular National Novel Writing Month in November, JANO begins in, you guessed it, January.
Participants are challenged to write a 50,000-word novel during the month of January. Join us and kick off the new year with a novel.

Two good reasons we picked January: 

1) You get an extra day to write. To complete 50,000 words during January, you only need to write 1,613 words a day.

2) The holidays are over. Winter has set in. What better way to spend a long, dreary month than writing a novel?


Sleuths' Ink will hold its Ninth Annual JANO beginning January 1, 2019. Please join us and kick off the new year by writing a new novel or adding new words to a work in progress.  This even is open to Sleuths' Ink members. 

Rules: There may be no actual writing on your JANO novel until January 1, but you may plot your novel and create character sketches before January 1. On that date, begin writing like mad (no editing) the entire month in order to reach the 50,000-word goal.  

To celebrate JANO members’ successes, Sleuths’ Ink will award three prizes:

First Person to reach 50,000
2nd Person to reach 50,000
Best first sentence. 

Details are forthcoming, but prizes will be awarded at the February meeting. You must be a paid member of Sleuths' Ink by the February meeting to be eligible for prizes. 

On Your Mark!
Start Plotting


Beth said...

I'm thrilled you guys are still carrying on this tradition. I remember being so excited when I shared the idea of JANO with Sleuths' Ink members in 2009. Everyone voted on the concept and name and we kicked it off in 2010.
I enjoyed being the first JANO Chair and coming up with categories for participants to compete. Our first party that February was a huge success with pizza, salad, and a fun celebratory JANO cake. Many members went home as winners, and we all left with a feeling of accomplishment.

Happy 8th anniversary, JANO! I hope to participate from afar this year and can't wait to hear about everyone's stories.

Shirley said...

It's still going strong, Beth.


 For those of you participating in JANO 2025, you won't want to miss our January meeting. Instead of meeting on the second Saturday of t...