Sunday, July 30, 2017

August Speaker

Make plans to attend our August meeting on the 12th, 10:00 a.m. at the Library Station on N Kansas in Springfield, MO. Our speaker will be Claudia Uptergrove a retired correctional officer. This will be a great opportunity to learn about what happens after the criminal is caught. Bring lots of questions. 

In 1969, at the age of 18, Claudia started her professional career.  She worked in retail, then moved to banking.  In the later part of 1990 she began her career with the California Dept of Corrections as an office assistant.  From there she was promoted to a medical transcriber where she transcribed for the California Board of Prison Terms.  
On January 01, 1994, Claudia attended the Richard A. McGee Correctional Training Center in California.  Upon completing a six week academy of vigorous training, she was promoted to Correctional Officer which changed her classification to custody level. From there Claudia promoted to Correctional Sergeant at Pelican Bay State Prison in California and later promoted  to Correctional Lieutenant there.  She remained a Correctional Lieutenant until her retirement in 2008.  

Claudia worked in Correctional Facilities in California that housed both male and female inmates. Her experiences in practicing positive work ethnics set an example for her peers and subordinates who could emulate.  Her experiences have been vast and the training an asset in her life.


S.L. Smith said...

What's an impressive resume! Wish I could attend the meeting. Would love to hear about some of your experiences.

Unknown said...

Sounds like something no member should miss. Hope to see you there

Shirley said...

I can't wait. Looks like a great speaker again. See everyone in a couple of weeks.

Tierney James said...

I love the variety of speakers that come to this group. This sounds so interesting.


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