Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sleuths' Ink Meetings 2020

 It's been crazy for all writing groups in SW Missouri since March. Luckily we were able to have our 10th Annual JANO party in February before the shutdown. 

At the moment and at least through the end of 2020 we'll be having our monthly meetings on ZOOM.  Check your newsletter and email for more information on how to log onto to the meeting. If you'd like more information on Sleuths' Ink, email us at sleuthsink95 (at)

We kicked off our first ZOOM meeting in August with speaker and Vice President, Sharon Kizziah-Holmes giving us a great presentation on how to use TRACK CHANGES.  

In September, President Susan Keene enlightened us with How to Put the Cozy in a Cozy Mystery. 

Our November meeting will feature Author Caroline Giammanco

Our annual December holiday party is still in the works. Check back here for more details.  

And don't forget about JANO 2021.  More information on that coming soon.  

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