Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Discovering My Story, Rooftop Angels

I never know where my next story will originate. I believe world geography connects everything around us. I was a geo-teacher for National Geographic where we taught students 5 very important themes: Location, Place, Human Environmental Interaction, Movement and Region. This training brought such a love for the world community to my life that I tied it to everything I taught, wrote and read. In my mind’s eye the earth became a series of dominoes, balancing precariously on a shaky table where every action forced a reaction.

So when my father gave me one of his National Geographic magazines I found an article about the Wakhan Valley in Northern Afghanistan. As of today I think I’ve read it some fifteen times, and each time I’m captivated. After reading everything I could find plus watching numerous YouTube videos about this amazing culture I just had to include them in my Enigma Series. The things I learned about Afghanistan cemented my love of Central Asia. Its raw beauty and ability to survive wave after of invasion convinced me to put it on my bucket list. Rooftop Angels was born from a need to create a journey others could share and maybe begin to investigate for themselves, what is Afghanistan. Want to see more? Check out my blog http://www.tierneyjames.com/blog where I investigate the amazing land nobody knows.


When Tessa Scott wakes with blood on her hands in a rat infested shack in Afghanistan, she discovers six orphan girls and the Undersecretary of State counting on her for protection. Confused at how she got there or why a smoldering Black Hawk helicopter has crashed outside the village, forces her into yet another adventure of cat and mouse with the Taliban who intend to kidnap them. With the help of a Kyrgyz tribesman and his men, they elude the danger only to discover their protection comes at a price which involves marriage to the leader. An unexpected chance at new love outweighs the secret Tessa must now carry forever. Meanwhile Captain Hunter, an Enigma agent, desperately searches for her before she disappears on the rooftop of the world. A race against time and ruthless drug lords, who work with the U.S. government, create obstacles which change Tessa’s life in a way she never expected.

Tierney has been in education for over thirty years. She recently stopped teaching World Geography for a nearby college to pursue her writing career. Creating a workshop for beginning writers, speaking at schools and serving as an officer in the writing group Sleuths’ Ink, are some of the work she does when not writing. With the creation of Winds of Deception, Tierney is now working with one of the crew members of USS Liberty in hopes of obtaining the Medal of Honor for him.

Besides serving as a Solar System Ambassador for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and attending Space Camp for Educators, Tierney has traveled across the world. From the Great Wall of China to floating the Okavango Delta of Botswana, Africa, she ties her unique experiences into other writing projects such as the action thriller novel, An Unlikely Hero, the first in the Enigma Series. Winds of Deception is the second in that series. Living on a Native American reservation and in a mining town for many years fuels the kind of characters she never tires of creating. 

Twitter: TierneyJames1


Shirley said...

I love your enthusiasm for learning about different cultures. So you're one of those people who actually read National Geographic, huh? We never had any magazines around our house. Just books from school. Not sure how I survived during the summer months. Good think I lived in the country with lots to explore.

Good luck on your series. I know you'll do amazing cause you are one amazing woman.

Tierney James said...

Thanks, Shirley and yes I read National Geographic each month and TIME magazine almost each week. I cut out articles to save for story ideas in case I ever get stumped on what project to do next. Hasn't happened yet but I think it's because I read that kind of thing. Thanks for stopping by.

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