Tuesday, December 4, 2012

JANO 2013

Sleuths’ Ink Presents

JANO 2013


Join us January 1st  for the 4th Annual JANO

 Modeled after the popular NaNoWri in November, JANO participants write a 50,000 word novel in January.

Three reasons January is the perfect time to write a novel:

1.    You get one extra day in January, making your daily writing goal 1613 words.


3.    We celebrate with a PARTY in February where we give away PRIZES!!!
For more details, check out our JANO 2013 page at the right.
SIGN UP AT janowriters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


EileenHamer said...

Good Luck, Janos! I participated in NaNo five times and have five (very) rough drafts to show for it. My first NaNo novel CHICAGO STORIES: WEST OF WESTERN)is up on Kindle, and the second (ALONG THE RAVENSWOOD) will be by the end of this week. Just forget everything else and get that 1667 words out every day and you'll get there. Don't edit, don't worry about spelling or grammar, just get the story out. You can clean it up later. I try to write one chapter every day and generally don't have a thought in hell about what the next chapter will be--just wing it. Sounds iffy but that has letme comeup with fresh ideas I'd never have found otherwise. Good luck, writers!

Kelly said...

Great advice Eileen. Thanks for stopping by. Why don't you join us and add to your rough drafts pile!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like such fun...and a much more 'doable' time of year than dear NaNo :)
Wish ya'll had a group meeting down here in the lowcountry. Meanwhile, for those of you in my family's neck of the woods... Write on~!

Jessica Ferguson said...

Ohhhhh, sounds fun. I wonder if I dare! Let me give it some thought and I may be back. I wasn't able to do nano this year so really need this. But ...

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  David C. Reed is a retired veteran with 24 years experience in criminal investigation and specialized law enforcement training. he retired...