Sunday, December 27, 2009

Join Us For JANO!

Join us for our First Annual JANO sponsored by Sleuths’ Ink. Kick off the new year with a built-in resolution and end the month with a novel in hand.

Here are the rules:

*Write a 50,000-word novel during January (31 days)
* This equals 1,613 words per day
* Don't take time for edits
* You may plot or outline your novel in December
* You may start a biographical character sketch in December
* Write in your favorite genre
* Add 50,000 words to your current WIP if you wish (just post your current word count)
* No actual novel writing UNTIL Jan. 1, 2010
* Start your coffee machines (or tea kettles)

To register and report weekly progress, sign up at

Writers who are not members of Sleuths' Ink are invited and encouraged to join us. We'll report our progress and ask participants to read their beginning pages at the January 9 Sleuths' Ink meeting. We're also planning a celebration at the end of the month. Write on!


Beth said...

Hello, fellow writers. We're all getting jazzed about Jano. I'm especially excited because of the large show of hands at our last meeting by writers who plan to participate.

Please list your name and genre again here so all can see. I'll go first.

Beth Carter - romantic suspense
(current WIP word count: 34,926).

I didn't realize I had that many words! One big problem I have is that I wrote it in first person three years ago and now think I'd like to switch to third. However, I won't take time with edits during Jano.

Remember, if you're working on a WIP, only NEW words written during Jano will count so I'll deduct that figure from my total.

Shirley said...

I'm working!!!

Palooski65 said...

Virginia Pohlenz--YA Historical Fiction. Just started today 1/8/10

My main character is Mei-Xing (Beautiful Star). Her father, He-Ping, works for the Transcontinental RR.

I have lots of "catch up" to do since I'm starting a week late but I'm eager to meet the goal by our meeting next week.

Hope everyone is keeping warm.

Beth said...

Love your character names, Ginny. Can't wait to read your first few pages (and everyone else's).


 For those of you participating in JANO 2025, you won't want to miss our January meeting. Instead of meeting on the second Saturday of t...