Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And The Winner Is...

Nicola Ford! Her name was selected from yesterday's blogging conversation with Richard Jay Parker. He had a great post and we had a record 58 comments! Thanks to everyone who participated.

Nic Ford has won a copy of Richard's debut thriller, STOP ME. His publisher, Allison & Busby, graciously agreed to grant one free copy and we thank them for their generosity.

You can find Nicola Ford's website by clicking on her name in the comment section. It appears she has written her first crime novel and is also an archaeologist. Congrats.


Nic Ford said...

Thanks for running a great blogging interview, I really enjoyed it. Richard seems a good bloke, with interesting & useful insights - I'm really looking forward to reading his book STOP ME.
I'll definately drop by you Twitter by the way?
Best, Nic.

Kelly said...

Congratulations Nic! Glad you could join us.

Shirley said...

Congratulations, Nicole. I hope you'll stop by and visit our blog again in the future.

Beth said...

Hope you'll enjoy STOP ME, Nicola. Please follow our blog and tell all your writer friends about us! We have guest speakers about every month. It's always fun and insightful.

Also, good luck with your crime novel!


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