Saturday, December 31, 2016

Writing Resolutions

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? If you make them, do you keep them? Besides the usual promises to lose weight, be a better person, or follow a budget, why don't you make a resolution to pay attention to your writing life.

Perhaps you need to finish your first novel. Or finish that series you've been working on. Perhaps you have twenty novels but your sales are dwindling. Here are some ideas to help you make this year more creative.
  • Write it down. Put pen to paper and describe your goals for the year.
  • Make it simple. Complicated goals almost guarantee failure.
  • Be specific. Do you want to write every day? Is that possible? Be truthful with yourself.
  • Place your goal somewhere you will see it. On the wall by your writing desk is a great location.
Here's to a new year and a rejuvenated writing life.



Donna Volkenannt said...

Thanks for the tips! I set goals and try to stick to them.

Tierney James said...

Great ideas.

Shirley said...

I make goals each year. Sometimes I make them, sometimes I don't. But it's nice to have a plan.


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