About JANO

Participants are challenged to write a 50,000-word novel during January. Join us and kick off the new year with a novel in progress!
Two good reasons we picked January:
1) You get an extra day to write. To complete 50,000 words during January, you only need to write 1,613 words a day.
2) The holidays are over. Winter has set in. What better way to spend a long, dreary month than writing a novel?
Two good reasons we picked January:
1) You get an extra day to write. To complete 50,000 words during January, you only need to write 1,613 words a day.
2) The holidays are over. Winter has set in. What better way to spend a long, dreary month than writing a novel?
Over the past few years, participants from across the nation entered our challenge. Many of them reached their 50,000 goal, with a few actually receiving a contract for their completed JANO project.
To celebrate JANO members’ successes, Sleuths’ Ink will sponsor a party the first Saturday in February. Details are forthcoming. As always, during the party, prizes will be awarded to our JANO 2014 JANO participants. See categories below. In addition, we're giving away a $100 grand prize to one lucky JANO participant at our annual December holiday party. The winner of this grand prize must be a Sleuths’ Ink member and must have written a minimum of 25,000 words.
1st Person to reach 50,000
1st Person to reach 50,000
- 2nd Person to reach 50,0003rd Person to reach 50,000FICTION:Best TitleBest First SentenceBest First Page – This is read at the JANUARY 12th, meetingBest Blurb – 100 words or lessSHORT STORY COLLECTION:Best TitleBest Blurb – 100 words or lessNON-FICTION/CREATIVE NON-FICTION
Best Blurb – 100 words or lessKEEP IN MIND: a Blurb is often used in your query letter to sell your story to an editor or what is found on the back of the book to grab your potential reader’s attention.Participant MUST have written at least 10,000 words to be eligible for prizes
- Must be on the loop (if feasible)
- No acceptances after MIDNIGHT January 31, 2014 deadline. NO exceptions!!!
- With the exception of Best First Page, attendees of the Wrap-Up Party judge all categories on Saturday February 9thd, and prizes awarded accordingly. You do not have to be in attendance to win, but we encourage everyone within driving distance to come join the FUN!
Sleuths' Ink will hold its FIFTH Annual JANO in 2014 beginning January 1. Please join us and kick off the new year by writing a new novel or adding new words only to a work in progress.
Rules: There may be no actual writing on your JANO novel until January 1, but you may plot your novel and create character sketches before January 1, 2014. On that date, write like mad (no editing) the entire month in order to reach the 50,000-word goal. Again this year, at least ten prizes will be awarded to JANO participants. All donations are greatly appreciated.
JANO is sponsored by Sleuths’ Ink, a mystery and suspense writers’ non-profit organization in Springfield, Missouri. Contact: Sharon Kizziah Holmes JANO 2014 Chair JANO2014@yahoo.com
Or sign up at janowriters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Or sign up at janowriters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
1 comment:
What is the official HASHTAG? #JANO2014 ??
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