Sunday, August 14, 2011

September Speaker, Linda Apple - Using Our Fiction Skills To Share Facts -

We all have life-stories to share—stories that can have a positive effect in our readers. But how can we write nonfiction that will capture the reader’s interest and cause them to connect with our work? By using our fiction skills. However, that isn’t all. We also give the greatest gift of all to those who take the time to read what we write—our experience—which offers people hope, guidance, help or maybe just a chuckle to brighten their day.

This style of writing is called Creative Nonfiction. In this mini-workshop we will explore the bones of creative nonfiction and how to put our fiction skills to work in telling stories worthy of magazines and Chicken Soup for the Soul-type books.
Linda Apple is the author of: Inspire! Writing from the Soul, and Connect! A Simple Guide to Public Speaking for Writers. She has been published in 13 Chicken Soup for the Soul books as well as numerous devotion guides and fiction anthologies.

She is also a instruction and motivation speaker for women’s and writer’s groups and conferences. Linda serves as the Arkansas Regional Speaker Trainer for Stonecroft Ministries.

Linda lives in Fayetteville with her husband Neal, their 5 children, 3 children-in-love, and 7 grandchildren.

April 13th Speaker/Marlon Hayes

  Marlon S. Hayes is a writer, essayist, poet, publisher and novelist from Chicago, Illinois. He is also a full-time truck driver, travel ex...